Taking care of your teeth and gums is not really that hard to do. Diligently brushing and flossing twice a day, along with bi-annual dental visits for cleanings and checkups can go a long way in ensuring that your smile is healthy for years to come. But adding a good mouthwash to your daily mix can help support your oral health even more.
If you are buying a mouthwash off your grocer’s shelves, look for one sporting the American can Dental Association seal of acceptance on the label. If it has the seal you will know that this product has been rigorously tested and found to be safe and effective.
Depending on the type of mouthwash you choose, you can experience the following:
Protection. Fluoride mouthwash will keep cavities and periodontal disease away by strengthening tooth enamel and preventing dental decay.
Desensitization. Arginine in mouthwash helps in sealing the dentinal tubules in sensitive teeth. This will help relieve pain for teeth that hurt when exposed to hot or cold temperature in food and drinks, and sometimes even when breathing in cold air.
Better Breath. Antimicrobial mouthwashes help remove bits of food particles and kills bacteria that makes one’s breath smell bad.
Germ fighting. Chlorhexidine glucose in mouthwash kills germs that hurt teeth and gums and stops bacterial growth. Sticky bacterial film forms into plaque which coats teeth and gums and hardens fairly quickly into tartar if not removed. Once plaque hardens into tartar it can cause gingivitis which requires removal using special tools by your dentist.
Soothing Action. Salt mixed in water can be used as